Why 'The Kidney Dietitian'?

Good KIDNEY STONE dietitians are HARD to find

Dietitians are NOT required to learn about kidney stones. So, most have no idea how much nutrition can help prevent kidney stones and how to come up with an individualized plan.

We are dedicated to the most up-to-date care to prevent kidney stones and help you live a delicious kidney stone free life!

We are NOT a "one-size-fits-all" approach

There is no single “kidney stone diet”. Nutrition for YOU must be based on your urine test, other health conditions and most importantly, the foods you LIKE to eat!

We work with you to address all of your health concerns, including optimal kidney stone prevention. This is exactly what a kidney stone dietitian is trained to do!

Dietitians are THE nutrition experts

The Kidney Dietitian is the ONLY online kidney stone platform from dietitians. Registered dietitians are the ONLY healthcare professional with ANY required nutrition training. And we have QUITE a bit of it!

Doctors are good at being doctors. But are not the best person to give nutrition advice and help you actually SUCCEED at making diet changes.

A kidney stone dietitian will help you understand exactly what to eat based on ALL of your health goals and most importantly – help you enjoy ALL of your favorite foods and life a healthy life!

TWO Options to Work with Us

Stop Those Stones Today!

  • Private sessions with your own kidney stone dietitian for the most personalized and comprehensive care.
  • All packages include access to Kidney Stone Nutrition School, a comprehensive diet assessment and unlimited chat support with your dietitian between session.
  • Book a FREE 20 minute call with one of our dietitians to get started
  • Self-paced online course
  • TONS of example meal plans, recipes, worksheets and guides to help you along the way.
  • Lifetime access – including all future updates.
  • Optional live small group calls with Melanie and 24-hour urine feedback.
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