Image of baguette with blog title: Best 6 Delicious Low Sodium Bread Varieties over image

Best 6 Delicious Low Sodium Bread Varieties

This article was written by dietetic student Rebecca Webb & reviewed by Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND.

Bread is a shocking source of sodium in our diet. Bread alone contribute about 14% of the salt in our diet! Check out these low sodium bread options to fulfill your love of bread, without all the salt!

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Sodium & Health

It is important to manage daily salt intake. Eating too much sodium can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease and kidney stones (1). According to the FDA the majority of processed and packaged foods found at grocery stores contain a lot of sodium, including breads (2). Most of the sodium we eat tends to come from processed foods, like bread!

According to the USDA, bread and grain products are major contributors to the sodium consumption of the American population (2). Popular bread brands such as Pepperidge Farm, Wonder Bread, Sunbeam, and Aunt Millie’s can have up to 200-300 mg sodium per slice. Because we eat so much bread, this sodium adds up!

The recommended daily intake of sodium is no more than 2,300 mg daily. So, two slices of bread in a sandwich has up to 17-26% of the daily recommendation (1). 

Despite the high sodium content in many commercial bread brands, there are many low sodium bread options to choose from. 

What Are Low Sodium Breads 

The sodium content in commercial bread is on the nutrition label. The FDA defines a low sodium food as anything that contains 140 mg or less of sodium per serving (1). Nutrition labels often classify a serving of bread as one slice, however it may vary. 

Keep in mind if you eat more than one serving, you eat more sodium. If one slice of bread is the listed serving size and you eat two, you are eating twice the amount of sodium listed on the nutrition label. 

Reading Nutrition Labels of Low Sodium Breads 

The nutrition label on the back of any packaged item will tell you how much sodium is in the product. Check out the serving size and sodium content to help you determine if the bread is considered a low sodium option. 

Sodium less than 140mg and/or less than 5% of your daily value is considered a low sodium option.

Infographic showing what to look for in healthy low sodium bread: no more than 200mg sodium per slice, at least 3 grams fiber per slice, no more than 5 grams added sugar per slice, IF you have kidney disease, no "potassium" or "phos" ingredients

Other Things To Look For in Low Sodium Bread

Of course, there is more to bread that sodium! Bread can vary in other nutrients, like fiber and sugar. It helps to look at the nutrition label to see how much added sugar and fiber are in low sodium breads. 

Image of Nutrition Facts label highlighting sodium amount

The image listed above is an example of a nutrition facts label on the back of packaged foods. It provides information about the nutrition content of one serving of the food item. Less than 5% daily value is considered low, and over 20% daily value is considered high.

For most people, it is best to find a bread that is low in sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat. Also, it is good to find breads that are higher in fiber. 

Potassium and Phosphorus Food Additives in Low Sodium Bread

Some breads and other packaged items may contain potassium and phosphorus food additives. If you have kidney disease, it is best to limit or avoid these food additives when possible.

You can tell if your low sodium bread has these additives by checking out the ingredients. If any ingredients contain words that start with “potassium” or “phos-”, the item has these additives. See the example below to help you identify potassium and phosphorus food additives.

Image of ingredient label highlighting potassium and phosphorus ingredients

Top 6 Low Sodium Bread Options

Listed below are some sodium-free and low sodium bread products that will help you manage your sodium intake. 

Image of low sodium bread brands recommended in blog post

Food For Life: Ezekiel 4:9 Low Sodium Sprouted Whole Grain Bread*

Food For Life’s low sodium bread contains ZERO sodium. Additionally, it has no saturated fat and no added sugars. This Ezekiel bread is made with healthy sprouted grains and plant proteins. It contains 10% (3 grams) of the daily recommended fiber intake per slice. 

This low sodium bread has a very hearty texture with a nutty flavor. Despite health benefits, this may not be the best replacement for someone who wants a softer and simpler bread. Overall, it is a healthy low sodium bread option.

Angelic Bake House: Sprouted No Salt Added Bread*

Angelic Bake House’s low sodium bread also contains 0 mg sodium. It is made with a blend of several different whole grains. It also has no saturated fat, and it contains 10% (3 grams) of the daily recommended fiber intake. 

This bread has a mildly sweet flavor with a few grams of added sugar from molasses, but it is still considered a low sugar option. Some reviews claim that this product tastes slightly dryer compared to traditional wheat bread. Unlike Ezekiel, this bread does not have a nutty flavor. It is a healthy low sodium bread option for someone who wants a zero-salt bread and enjoys a wheat flavor. 

Kroger Round Top Low Sodium Wheat Bread

Kroger’s low sodium bread has a classic soft, wheat bread flavor. It is carried by some supermarkets, but is also sold online. This product has 0 saturated fat and is low in sodium and sugar. 

This low sodium bread contains 25 mg sodium/slice. That’s more than 0, but still only 1% of the daily recommended intake and much less than most commercial bread. It also contains 2 grams of added sugars, and 2 grams of fiber. 

There are potassium and phosphorus additives in this low sodium bread. These additives may be harmful to people with kidney disease. 

This is a good low sodium bread option for someone who likes a classic wheat flavor. 

Queen St. Bakery’s Chia Classic Loaf

Queen St. Bakery’s low sodium bread is made with chia flour and flax, which makes it a great high-fiber bread option. One slice contains 25% of the daily recommended intake for fiber. This bread also contains no saturated fat or added sugars. 

This bread option is not salt free. One slice contains 115 mg of sodium, which is 5% of the daily recommended intake. This is still considered a low sodium option. 

This bread is in some specialty supermarkets such as whole foods, but can also be found online. It is a more dense and hearty bread, so it may not be the best replacement for someone who wants a softer and simpler bread. 

This is a great low sodium bread option for someone who is trying to increase their fiber intake. 

Sara Lee 100% Whole Wheat Bread*

Sara Lee’s low sodium bread is  in many supermarkets, making it likely  the most accessible option listed for in-store shopping. It is a whole wheat bread with a soft and light texture. This low sodium bread contains 2 grams of fiber. 

The sodium content in Sara Lee’s low sodium bread is 125 mg/slice. It has the highest sodium content of other whole grain breads listed, but is still considered low sodium with only 6% of the daily recommended intake.

There is 1 g of added sugar/slice, making it very low in added sugars. However, this low sodium bread does contain phosphorus additives, which may be harmful. This is a good low sodium bread option for someone who prefers to buy their bread at the store. 

Izzio San Francisco Sourdough

Izzio sourdough bread is a good low sodium option. It can be found in some supermarkets. It contains no added sugar, and has positive reviews related to its texture and flavor. 

Like the Sara Lee brand, Izzio Sourdough also contains 125 mg/slice. It is a low sodium bread option, but has a higher sodium content than other breads listed. 

This bread is not made with whole grains, so it is not a great source of fiber. Note: this is a review of Izzio’s San Francisco bread. Izzio carries other sourdough products that may or may not have similar sodium content.

Izzio San Francisco Sourdough is a good low sodium bread option for someone who prefers a product without whole grains. 

Ways to Enjoy Low Sodium Bread

The foods we put on low sodium bread can also influence how much sodium we are eating. For example, most deli meats and cheeses are really high in sodium.

Here are some low sodium ideas to enjoy bread! 

Try Avocado Toast

Add some lime juice, black pepper, and tomato slices for a zesty toast. 

Peanut Butter & Apples

Spread unsalted peanut butter onto your low sodium bread, and layer on apple slices for sweetness. Consider adding some honey and/or ground cinnamon for additional flavor. 

Plain Old Toast

Just want some toast? Use unsalted butter instead of salted butter. 

Sandwich Spreads

Swap out the mayo for olive oil or smashed avocado in order to reduce salt intake. 

Meat Swaps

Stay away from that salty deli meat! Try grilling or roasting your own chicken or turkey at home.

Or, opt for a plant based option with chickpea chicken salad!

I hope this information helps you find the low sodium bread that is best for you.

Happy Eating! 


  • Rebecca Webb is a registered dietitian from Massachusetts with a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from Rush University in Chicago. She also attended the undergraduate University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she studied nutrition and psychology. Rebecca is passionate about helping others cultivate a healthy relationship with food and is committed to using nutrition as a powerful tool to enhance overall health and well-being.

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18 thoughts on “Best 6 Delicious Low Sodium Bread Varieties”

  1. What isn’t mentioned about these breads is their caloric content. Some of these breads have 130 calories per slice! That’s WAY too much! Does anyone eat just one slice of bread at a time? I don’t, but then, I’ve been a “breadoholic” since childhood. Anyway, I’m a Type 2 diabetic newly diagnosed, (last week), as having stage 3a CKD, which came as a complete shock to me when just a few months ago my primary-care provider told me my kidneys were good. So now I’ve been all over the internet doing research on CKD, (what to eat, what NOT to eat, etc.); I feel like my head is going to explode! There is SO MUCH information; a lot of it conflicting. I haven’t seen a nephrologist…yet, and renal dieticians are non-existant in my area.

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND, FNKF

      Hi Linda! Thanks so much for your comment. This truly isn’t many calories in the grand scheme of things. Your body needs calories to survive! I also don’t recommend calorie counting for most people as I find this leads to a massively restrictive mindset and contributes to disordered eating patterns for many people. I’d much rather people focus on nourishing their bodies with mostly healthful foods. Whole grain bread is a fantastic way to get in fiber, energy and even a bit of plant based protein.

      I totally hear you about the conflicting information out there online. There have been some VERY big changes in how we think about “kidney nutrition” the past decade or so. And MUCH of the info online, even from reputable sources is pretty outdated and irresonsibley generalized. Kidney nutrition is different for every single person depending on your labs, other medical history and your current eating habits. Here is a great overview of what a “kidney friendly diet” is!

  2. Just an FYI, the Angelic Bread Company is out of business since March 2024. So many bakeries do not supply no salt breads. It’s sad really. And even if they do make no salt bread, they do not supply it to other areas of the US.

  3. Carol Ostach Griffiths

    I may have said this before but I think the easiest way to enjoy low sodium bread without spending a lot of time and money is to just have an OPEN FACE sandwich or ONE PIECE of toast not two. It ain’t rocket science. Also the whole family can eat the same kind of bread. If you are like many other CKD/stone makers, you need to watch carbs anyway.

  4. I am confused about potassium. It sounds like I am supposed to avoid it in food, but my doctor is prescribing it to reduce chance of stones. I had a calcium Oxalate stone.

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND, FNKF

      A high potassium diet is actually good for kidney stone prevention. Limiting potassium sometimes comes up for kidney DISEASE nutrition (but, honestly isn’t really a great idea for CKD anyway). Potassium citrate is a very common medication prescribed for stone prevention to help increase both urine pH and citrate.

  5. Bonnie DelBoca

    Melanie, I have been following your online email information for several years now. I have been a patient at Mayo Clinic, Phoenix in their Kidney Stone Clinic. I feel I could get the same kind of help and possibly better MD help by going to a nephrologist or
    urologist outside of the Mayo System. I have to drive 50 miles each way and that is
    another factor. HOW DO I FIND A GOOD NEPHROLOGIST OR UROLOGIST in the greater Phoenix area? I go online and read a lot of bios for various MDs, but I don’t know which to choose, a Nephrologist or Urologist. Can you help in ANY WAY ? If I pass a kidney stone, I guarantee you that my chances of being at Mayo Clinic are slim….. I am better off going LOCAL for very similar professional advise. Mayo wants me to take Potassium Citrate and I know it will be hard on my stomach. I get 6 month 24 hour urine tests at Mayo, which I can get at someone closer to my geographic area than Mayo. Thanks! Bonnie

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND, FNKF

      Hi Bonnie! It can be really tough to find a kidney stone specialist – typically they are only at larger medical institutions. I talk a lot about this with a kidney stone nephrologist in this episode of my podcast!

  6. Jeanette .cnair

    just learning about low sodium diet. appreciate any help you can give. thanks. Jeanette mcnair

  7. Thank you Melanie I always have a problem looking for the right bread for me this helps a lot now I know which bread to look for that is good for me.
    thank you so much🙏

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND

      Sounds like you’ve been reading some outdated nutrition advice. Avocado is also on the “bad” list for CKD as it is higher in potassium. However, not everyone with CKD needs to limit potassium. In fact, a HIGH potassium diet is beneficial for most people with CKD and dietary potassium doesn’t impact blood levels of potassium as much as we once thought. You can learn more here.

  8. Wheat was one of the first things I reduced in my diet to limit oxalate. Yeah, I know, “Not everyone needs to reduce oxalate”, blah blah blah. Well, I DID (as well as changing from a vegetarian diet to eating plenty of meat, despite your warnings), and I haven’t had a stone since, so draw your own conclusions. Wheat makes me feel like crap, too, and I’m not celiac. Regardless of sodium, or oxalate, bread is just carbs, and there are far better sources for something we should be massively reducing anyway.

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND

      So glad you found something that works for you! It is really hard to draw conclusions from this. Is it really the higher intake of meat and lower intake of veggies that is WHY you haven’t had a stone? Or would you not have had a stone anyway? Is it OTHER changes you’ve made (maybe drinking more water? Less salt?). These are the reasons why it is so important to make recommendations from research, that is the best way to get a clear answer to all of these questions.

      Also, whole grain bread can be a fantastic source of healthy carbohydrate packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and lots of things that are good for us in general, and for stone prevention.

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