Low Oxalate Breakfast Ideas

Top 10 Low Oxalate Breakfast Ideas

Are you struggling to find new and exciting low oxalate breakfast ideas that are also healthy for kidney stones?  You are not alone.  Figuring out tasty and healthy breakfast ideas is one of the most common questions I hear.  It can seem like all “healthy” breakfasts are on your “no” list.  However, there are many healthy, low oxalate breakfast choices out there! Hopefully you will some options here that look tasty to you!

Before you dive into my low oxalate breakfast ideas, make sure you understand what oxalate is and who needs to avoid dietary oxalate.  Not everyone with calcium oxalate kidney stones need to strictly avoid oxalate.  It is always important to find the least restrictive diet that is healthy for you.  Overly restrictive diets can lead to frustration, disordered eating and malnutrition.  I never want to recommend diet restrictions for people who don’t need them!

Stop sign with text: This information is only for people with high oxalate on a 24-hour urine test. Many people with oxalate kidney stones do not have high urine oxalate. Click here to learn more about who needs a low oxalate diet.

1. Scrambled Eggs with Low Oxalate Vegetables

Total oxalate: 3mg (1/2 bell pepper + 1/2 onion + 2 eggs)

Breakfast is often a missed opportunity to sneak extra vegetables into your meals!  Mixing eggs with your favorite vegetables is an easy, filling and healthy meal!  My go-to vegetables for scrambled eggs are bell peppers and onions.  You can play with adding your favorite vegetables.

Instructions: Slice or chop 1/2 a bell pepper (any color will do!) and 1/2 a small onion.  Saute the veggies in a little olive oil.  Add garlic if you are feeling extra fancy!  When the veggies are almost cooked, push them to 1 side of your skillet.  Add 1 or 2 eggs (go ahead and use the whole egg!  Eggs are NOT associated with heart disease, as we once thought) with some black pepper and just a pinch of salt.  Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until eggs are cooked.  Toss the cooked eggs with the veggies, top with 1-2 tablespoons of shredded cheese and you are ready to go!

Add some fruit to this meal if you are extra hungry!  My favorites are apples, peaches, pears, fresh pineapple or strawberries.

2. Low Oxalate Breakfast Cereal with Blueberries & Milk

Total oxalate: 6mg (1 cup cereal + 1/2 cup milk + 1/2 cup blueberries)

Rice Chex, Rice Krispies, cornflakes and Cheerios are very low oxalate cereal choices.  Because these cereals are made from refined grains (not whole grains), they are missing fiber.  Add some fruit (I think blueberries or strawberries work best here!) to help add that fiber back to your meal.

Some cold cereals are very high in oxalate – be careful to avoid bran flakes (yes, that includes Raisin Bran), rice bran and shredded wheat.  These all have more than 25 grams of oxalate per serving.

Adequate dietary calcium is crucial for people with kidney stones.  Adding milk to your cereal is a great way to add dairy to your meal!

3. Low Sodium Frittata

Total oxalate: 2mg (1/8 frittata)

Frittatas are an easy and delicious low oxalate breakfast idea! Also, a great way to get more vegetables in your diet.

This Crustless Zucchini Quiche is one of my favorites!

4. Overnight Oats

Total oxalate: 4mg (1/2c dry oats + 1/2c milk + 1/3c yogurt + 1T flax + 1/2t vanilla + 2t honey + 2T cranberries + 2T pecans)

If you haven’t jumped on the overnight oats bandwagon yet, you should probably consider doing so soon.

Oatmeal is a wonderful whole grain that is also low in oxalate. You could just make oatmeal the old-fashioned way (make sure to use milk instead of water to add calcium!), but elevating oatmeal with overnights oats makes it feel extra fancy.

My favorite overnight oats recipe is simply combining 1/2 cup dry oats with 1/2 cup low-fat milk, 1/3 cup low-fat plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon flax seed, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 2 teaspoons honey, 2 tablespoons dried cranberries and 2 tablespoons chopped pecans (a low oxalate nut choice).  Mix it all together, let it sit in the refrigerator overnight and voila!  An, easy, peasy low oxalate breakfast will be ready for you in the morning.

5. Low Sodium Pancakes with Low Oxalate Fruit

Total oxalate: 15mg (2 pancakes + 1/2 banana)

Good news!  Pancakes can be a part of a healthy breakfast!  To keep with healthy kidney stone recommendations, avoid pancakes (or waffles!) from prepared mixes or frozen packages.  One medium pancake from mix can have up to 325mg of sodium!  Commercially made pancakes tend to have much more added sugar and salt than we need!  Plus, it is so easy to make them at home.  Find any pancake recipe and omit the salt and reduce the sugar if the recipe calls for much more than 2 tablespoons.

For a well-rounded breakfast, add some fruit! I love to top my pancakes with some sliced banana for extra sweetness – but any low oxalate fruit will do!  Try strawberries, blueberries, peaches, apricots, blackberries or fresh pineapple.  Drizzle a little syrup over the top (or choose a low sugar syrup if you know you won’t be able to stop with a little!) and enjoy!

6. Avocado Toast

Total oxalate: 15mg* (1 slice whole wheat* bread + 1/4 avocado + drizzle of honey + 2T pistachios); *14mg oxalate if made with white bread

Avocado toast has become very trendy over the past few years – for good reason!  It is delicious!

Toast 1 slice of bread (whole wheat if you don’t have to be too strict in oxalate, wheat if you do) or English Muffin and top if with 1/4 of a mashed avocado.  Top the avocado with your favorite things!  If I am feeling sweet, I love a drizzle of honey with chopped pistachios.  For a more savory version, I love quick-pickled shallots and balsamic drizzle.  I also love to top avocado toast with an over-easy egg.

Avocado sometimes gets a bad rap as a “high oxalate food”.  However, if you watch your portion, 1/4 an avocado only has 5mg of oxalate.

7. Veggie Hash

Total oxalate: varies depending on vegetables used

I love any excuse to eat more vegetables!  A tasty veggie hash made with low oxalate vegetables is a great way to sneak in a few extra servings.

Hashes traditionally have loads of potatoes in them.  Depending on how strictly you need to avoid oxalate, you could just just a few potatoes or, just leave them off completely.  My favorite low oxalate breakfast veggie hash starts with 1 small red potato chopped into 1/4″ chunks.  I saute the potato in a little olive oil until it starts to get soft.  Then, I’ll start adding whatever vegetables I have in my fridge such as bell pepper, onion, tomato, celery or carrots and continue to cook until the veggies are done.  Season with a touch of salt and pepper and plate your hash. Top your hash with an over-easy egg (or the way you prefer your eggs!) and you are ready to go!

8. Yogurt with Fruit and Granola

Total oxalate: 3mg (3/4 cup yogurt + 1/2 cup strawberries)

Easy and classic!  Yogurt with a low oxalate fruit is a quick low oxalate breakfast idea.  I recommend low-fat, plain yogurt to avoid too much added sugar.  The fruit will add plenty of sweetness!  Great low oxalate fruit choices are strawberries, blueberries, fresh pineapple, peaches, pears, grapes, mango or banana. Top with a little granola.  Be careful to find granola that doesn’t have almonds or too much sugar or almonds in it. I really like this Maple Pecan granola. Pecans are a lower oxalate nut choice compared to almonds.

Greek yogurt has less calcium (and more protein) compared to regular yogurt.  For people with kidney stones, I recommend old-fashioned plain yogurt over Greek.  Greek yogurt has taken over the yogurt case at most grocery stores, but you probably will still be able to find some of the non-Greek stuff!  I usually buy Dannon Plain Low-Fat yogurt.

9. English Muffin with Sunbutter

Total oxalate: 10mg* (1 white English muffin* + 2T sunflower butter); *14mg if made with whole wheat English muffin

I think English muffins are one of the most under-rated breakfast foods.  I love them!  Something about all those nooks and crannies…

Traditional peanut butter is fairly high in oxalate (13mg per tablespoon), but Sunbutter (made with sunflower seeds) is much lower!  Enjoy a tablespoon on an English muffin for a tasty breakfast.

I also love to spread around 2 teaspoons of unsalted butter and a drizzle of honey on English muffins as well!  However, this option is lacking in protein and I usually find myself hungry about 20 minutes later!  If you go the butter and honey route, I recommend adding some fruit or 1-2 hard boiled eggs to bulk up your meal!

10. Hard Boiled Eggs with Your Favorite Sides

Total oxalate: 0mg

Easy, portable and perfectly portioned!  Hard boiled eggs are an excellent low oxalate breakfast idea.  Pair them with a slice of toast and/or some fruit and you are good to go!

Build Your Own Low Oxalate Breakfast Ideas

Kidney Stone Diet eCookbook!

Here are some common breakfast foods you can use to create your own kidney stone friendly breakfasts:

  • Eggs (0mg)
  • White/Whole Wheat Bread (5 or 6g per slice)
  • Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Special K, Crispix, Kix, Rice Chex or Corn Flakes (3-5mg per 1 cup)
  • Oatmeal (0mg)
  • Milk (1mg per cup)
  • Yogurt (2mg per cup)
  • Ricotta cheese (0mg per 2T)
  • Low sodium cottage cheese (0mg)
  • Onions (0mg)
  • Kale (1mg per 1/2 cup)
  • Bell Peppers (1mg per ring)
  • Blueberries (2mg per 1/2 cup)
  • Strawberries (2mg per 1/2 cup)
  • Pineapple (2mg per 1/2 cup)
  • Melon (1mg per 1/2 cup)

Also, check out my oxalate food list for further inspiration to create your own low oxalate breakfast ideas!

Drop your favorite low oxalate breakfast ideas below.  I’d love to learn from all of you!

Happy Eating!


For more support with a healthy kidney stone diet, become a member my Kidney Stone Facebook Community!


  • Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FNKF, FAND is a nationally recognized kidney stone expert and dietitian with over 12 years of experience. She is the Founder & CEO of Melanie Betz Nutrition, LLC & The Kidney Dietitian blog that and has helped thousands of people prevent kidney stones with food. As a leader in the field, she has published her research and speaks at numerous local, state and national professional conferences about kidney nutrition. She also holds an elected or appointed position in the National Kidney Foundation, Renal Practice Group, American Kidney Fund and the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois. More about Melanie & The Kidney Dietitian.

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46 thoughts on “Top 10 Low Oxalate Breakfast Ideas”

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND

      Hi Laurie! I can’t say what is best for you without knowing more about your medical history. For most of my recipes, I tend to use all purpose flour or whole wheat flour.

  1. I have a big problem with constipation because of my Gurd (reflux) medication. Is Oat Bran a no no? I see Wheat Bran is.

    1. Betz MS, RD, CSR, FAND

      No foods are a “no-no”. Nutrition for kidney stones is all about learning how to build healthy meal PATTERNS based on your 24-hour urine test. It is NOT about just following lists of “good” and “bad” foods.

      As oats are generally low in oxalate, oat bran would be lower than wheat bran. But, wheat bran is not completely off limits for ANYONE with kidney stones.

  2. Please help me understand how oatmeal is 0 oxalates and all other grains are taboo?? Also, would you help me find out the oxalate level of einkorn ( both all purpose and ww). It is biblical wheat that has not been hybridized.
    thank you!!!

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Some foods are just naturally higher and lower in oxalate. For whatever reason, oatmeal is one of those lower. I don’t have any reputable information on einkorn.

  3. I have sensitivities to milk products and rely on calcium supplements. I also have many food sensitivities that prevent my use of many dairy free products, such a nut milks and cheeses, and soy products. How can I make sure I am getting enough calcium to prevent kidney stones? I have a few smaller stones right now. Thank you

  4. Michael, I too am frustrated on the oxalate content of beans ( many of which apparently are medium to high according to her list. But other legumes, peas specifically, cause me even more consternation, as I would like to fall back on them instead of pintos, blacks, kidneys, navy etc.
    All i see mentioned is ‘peas’…. is that english peas, or is that cowpies like purple hulls, zipper creams, blackeyed etc?

  5. Sheryl Stolzenberg

    I am very new at this kidney stone thing. I’m 72 and spent a lifetime dealing with aggressive Crohn’s disease that could only be controlled with steriods, and I thought my only result from that was osteoporosis. Wrong. Lots of huge stones. Okay, trying to adapt to yet another bunch of dietary limitations. Have to cut back on protein, so no more omelets for breakfast in order to have chicken or turkey for dinner. But why, why, why will no one tell me how much oxalate is in Cream of Rice Cereal? No list I’ve looked at even mentions Cream of Rice. Just that Cream of Wheat is high. I can’t eat oatmeal because of scar tissue in my intestines, so I have to sit here in icy cold Pittsburgh and eat a cold breakfast cereal, because I can’t find out if Cream of Rice is high in oxalate. Help!!!!!

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi Sheryl! Cream of rice is likely pretty low since white rice is pretty low. However, always remember that these terms “high” and “low” oxalate are relative – and the amount of oxalate that is right for you is COMPLETELY different from person to person and based on your 24-hour urine test results. Many people with stones don’t even need to be concerned with oxalate. I’d highly recommend working with a dietitian that specializes in stones to help you figure all of this out – especially with combining your added concerns with Crohns!

  6. I would like to take beet root juice powder in water for my blood pressure. Does the process of powdering the juice lower the oxalate content? I guess I would take this with some cheese or a glass of milk. I’ve had kidney stone in the past and I don’t relish getting them again.

  7. Hi Melanie.
    It was interesting to read your low oxalate breakfast ideas.
    I have a question concerning 2 products because I’m totally confused having seen information about them in many sources that were contradicting itself. Avocado and oatmeal(difference with oat bran?).
    So how is it?

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi Martin! Thank you for your comment. There is quite a bit of conflicting oxalate information out there. Part of it is there is no definition of “low” oxalate – so where I might define low as less than 10mg, someone else might say that is high oxalate. It really depends on how much oxalate is okay for someone to eat – which is determined by 24 hour urine test results. I recommend sticking with one oxalate list to avoid driving yourself crazy! The Harvard oxalate list is generally considered to be one of the most reliable – which I use for my site as much as possible. My oxalate list is based on the Harvard list, but I’ve just standardized the portion sizes – you can find it on my resources page. I hope that helps!

  8. Thank you for posting these ideas! I have recently been placed on a low oxalate, diabetic, anemia, low phosphorus, heart healthy diet. It appears that water and a toothpick are my only choices. Help!

  9. Please change your website header. It covers up over half of the screen and on a laptop and it doesn’t move as we scroll down the page. So it’s always covering up half of the screen.

  10. I am frustrated, as i suspect others are as well, to eat things that are helpful to avoid diabetes AND REDUCE MY EXISTING HIGH OXALATES (caused in part because I ate a lot of buckwheat and almonds, as I read they are good to avoid diabetes (and they are).

    I think avoiding diabetes is a national phenomenon, as I see adds related to that all of the time. The opposite is true for getting and reducing oxalates.

    Is there any book out there tell you how to reduce your oxalates AND avoiding diabetes. If so, it would be unique and might be a good seller. If there is such a book, please let me know.

    BTW, foods that reduce oxalates are not consistent. For instance, I have read in some texts blueberries are in the middle category. Same for brussel spouts, which I love to eat. Would love to hear what you category you think these two items are in the oxalate category. Also, how many ounces (volume) of cheerios I can eat. That, and eggs is all I know I can now eat safely for breakfast that I like, but I am not sure how much cheerios I can safely have to avoid diabetes.


    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi Bob. Yes, you are CERTAINLY not alone in trying to figure what to eat for multiple medical conditions. Know that the most effective way to lower oxalate is to actually make sure you eat enough calcium – this reduces oxalate absorption, and thereby reduces urine oxalate. This is the focus of my eCookbook.

      And, it is INCREDIBLY true that oxalate information out there is not consistent, it is a huge problem. Much of the information (even from reputable sites) is just plain incorrect. And, there is no definition of a “low oxalate” food and different people are going to have different definitions of what that is. My colleagues and I go by the Harvard oxalate list, which is generally considered to be one of the most accurate. We’ve also seen it reduce urine oxalate, so we go with it! You can find my list, based on Harvard (but with standardized portions) at my resources page.

      In terms of cheerios (and other carbohydrates) and diabetes, that is completely a portion game. You DO NOT need to avoid carbohydrate, but rather eat it in reasonable portions along with a balanced meal (that ideally includes some protein and fruit or vegetable). Cheerios are a great whole grain choice!

      Without knowing your medical history, it is impossible for me to give specific recommendations in terms of portions and exact amounts of calcium, oxalate, carbohydrate, etc. YOU need. I would highly recommend you ask for a dietitian referral to help sort all of this out!

  11. Patricia C Vener-Saavedra

    I am just out of the hospital with two diet restrictions 1) renal diet 2) low Oxalate diet. My kidneys quit mysteriously, with an “impressive and not in a good way” amount of crystalization. (Apparently they’ve only seen 3 cases like this in the last 40 years.)

    I am managing to put together a list of foods that appear in both categories, but it’s not easy. The main thing missing, however, is soluble fiber. I would like to get that from oatmeal, but clearly that can’t be the only source. I like steel cut oatmeal!

    Thank you!

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi Patricia! My goodness! That is a lot to put together all at once! For soluble fiber, I’d recommend focusing on fruits – many fruits are great sources of soluble fiber. Apples, pears and plums might be some good options! I’d also HIGHLY recommend you ask your doctor for a dietitian referral. A “renal diet” is truly different for everyone and is individualized to your lab values. Here are my thoughts about the potassium and phosphorus restrictions typically included on a “renal” diet. Hope that is helpful!

      1. Patricia C Vener-Saavedra

        Thank you so much for responding! I will add that to my list of questions for the nephrologist!

  12. I had. CT scan and found out I have 12mm kidney stones. I’m not sure which ones I have as of yet but trying to eat low oxalates until my appointment with the urologist. I can’t tolerate milk products so I was wondering how to get enough calcium?
    Thank you for your wonderful information that I have read so far!

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Thank you so much Sue! I find that many patients can tolerate cheese or yogurt who cannot tolerate milk – these tend to have less lactose in them! Start slowly and see how your body does. If this still doesn’t work, I recommend rice, oat or coconut milk as a second best option for people with kidney stones. Hope this helps!

    2. I have the same problem and am trying to create a high calcium-low oxalate list. Besides cheeses, I have Kale and Bok Choy (100mg calcium in one cup), Fish (125mg calcium in 1 Trout fillet), canned salmon (250mg in half a can), and calcium fortified Orange Juice (345mg in one cup). There is also a lot of calcium in different types of beans, but I am having trouble getting accurate information about the oxalate content of different beans.

  13. Hi, First of all, I have calcium kidney stones and HBP with history of heart disease. There is a long list of food allergies that limit some food intakes. I am having difficulty determining the amount per serving of some necessary foods for care to get rid of and avoid further kidney stones. For example, I have been eating approximately 2/3 cup of nonfat plain greek yogurt per meal with other foods. I have no idea if this is too much or too little yogurt per meal (usually twice a day). Just because the foods I may be eating can contain oxylates above what is recommended, I have no way to identify how many oxylates per serving I may be consuming or should be consuming less of! I should eat much less sodium than usually is recommended due to heart issues and HBP, mostly controlled but not always so easy. The brand of nonfat plain greek yogurt I eat (Kirkland) lists lower levels of sodium than other brands. Thus, I eat no milk or cottage cheese or kifir, all of which have higher levels of sodium. Managing all of this is tough due to my ignorance and struggle to be careful. I drink almost or about one gallon of bottled water (no sodium) a day with lemon juice added to most glassfuls. Medication is with plain bottled water. Any suggestions regarding amount of lemon to add per glass of water? Thanks for any ideas you can give me. I weigh now about 125 lbs (lost about 15 lbs since stones diagnosis) and am 77. I appreciate your suggestion of using the Harvard Oxylate List. Beyond the great suggestions you have already given here, in other words, Help!

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi Jeannette! Thank you for your comment. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had such a hard time sorting through what you can and cannot eat! Without knowing your medical history, I cannot give you individualized advice. However, know that the recommendation for kidney stones is to eat between 1,500 – 2,300mg of sodium per day. For most people, there is definitely room for the higher sodium dairy such as milk or kefir. You can find low sodium cottage cheese (if you hunt for it!). Oxalate is completely based on your lab values. BUT, for most people I see, simply avoiding the very high oxalate foods (spinach, almonds, rhubarb & beets) along with eating enough calcium (1,000-1,200mg/day) is enough to bring urine oxalate down to safe levels. Citrate and lemon juice is also not necessary for everyone – only if your urine citrate levels are low. If you haven’t already, make sure to check out this article for a more comprehensive overview of how food and nutrition can impact calcium kidney stones. I also go over all of this information in Kidney Stone Nutrition School, if you want to check that out! Let me know if you have any questions!

  14. Is grapefruit high or low oxalate? And what about grapefruit juice? I’ve read conflicting reports on this. Also, is there any tea that is low oxalate? Thank-you for providing information to the public.

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi Marie – Thank you for your comment! A 1/2 a grapefruit has 12mg of oxalate, according to the Harvard list. This is very reasonable if you consider that you have 100mg of oxalate to eat per day. This is the amount I recommend to most people who do have high urine oxalate levels. Grapefruit juice would probably have about that much for 4oz. Any juice that comes from a food that has oxalate is likely to have oxalate in it – as oxalate is water soluble. A good example is almond milk – which is high in oxalate because almonds themselves are high. I hope that helps!

  15. Hello,

    I’m wondering if you can help me please.

    I have in the past suffered from kidney stones, which, I understand are caused by a high level of oxalate in the diet. Oatmeal I understand has zero oxalate whereas wholegrain cereals are high in oxalate. However, i’m struggling to understand something. The following website https://tastessence.com/porridge-vs-oatmeal, states,
    “Oats used for making oatmeal are derived from ground oat groats with bran removed. Porridge, on the other hand is made from cracked but whole oats. Oats used for porridge can also be steel cut or steamed and rolled”

    Ok I get that

    But then this site https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/wholegrains.html says,
    “A huge variety of cereal crops are grown for food throughout the world including wheat, rye, barley, oats and rice. Grains are the seeds of these cereal plants. The entire grain or ‘wholegrain’ is made up of ‘three’ elements:

    a fibre-rich outer layer – the bran
    a nutrient-packed inner part – the germ; and
    a central starchy part – the endosperm.
    During the milling process, the bran and the germ are often removed to give a ‘whiter’ cereal ”

    Which suggests that even with the bran removed you are still left with the germ and the endosperm which still appears to be defined as a wholegrain! but I thought wholegrains were bad!

    Is it sufficient for the bran only to be removed for the remaining constituents i.e. the germ and the endosperm to be regarded as ‘Oatmeal’ and therefore have zero oxalate or does the germ need to be removed as well?

    I hope you can help me as it appears that oatmeal is the only cereal I can eat

    Many thanks


    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi Glen, Thank you for your comment! High levels of oxalate in the diet are actually not (usually) the cause of kidney stones. Make sure to check out this article – it looks at the diet in a bit more of a wholistic way in terms of what components of the diet can contribute to, and prevent, kidney stones. If your urine oxalate is high (even after you are getting enough calcium!), you don’t need to fully out out oxalate – that would probably result in a generally very unhealthy diet! Instead, it is just about avoiding those VERY high oxalate foods (spinach, almonds, rhubarb, beets) and eating the others in moderation. Whole grains are VERY healthy for most people and I do recommend them for most people with kidney stones. Please let me know if you have any other questions – I hope this helps!

      1. what types of whole grains ?

        Whole grains are VERY healthy for most people and I do recommend them for most people with kidney stones.

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Correct. Because oxalate is water soluble, I fear that almond milk would be very high. If you do not tolerate cow’s milk, oat, rice or coconut milk are generally considered to be low oxalate alternatives!

  16. Teri,

    I greatly appreciate your posting. I’m seeing blueberries listed and I’ve recently been provided information that is is a high oxalate fruit that I’ve been told to avoid. Appreciate any light you can shine on this!

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hi John! Thank you for your comment! Oxalate amounts can be SO frustrating to figure out given SO much conflicting information out there! I go by the Harvard Oxalate list, which is generally considered to be the gold standard. This list puts blueberries at only 2mg per 1/2 cup. Generally, berries are a wonderful low oxalate choice. Raspberries being the one exception. I hope this helps!

      1. Melanie,

        Thanks for your quick reply and clearing this up for me. Agreed. A great deal of misinformation and confusion surrounding this topic!

        Greatly appreciate your assistance 🙂

    1. Melanie Betz MS, RD, CSR, CSG

      Hello Teri! Oxalate is all about appropriate portion sizes of the “higher” oxalate foods. Although some nuts are very high in oxalate (almonds, cashews are both high), some nuts are much lower (walnuts, pecans and pistachios are on the low side). So, these nuts are absolutely okay for most people with kidney stones as long as you pay attention to portion size. For example, 1/4 cup of pecans only has 10mg of oxalate. 1/4 cup of walnuts only has 8mg. These nuts can absolutely still fit in a low oxalate diet, and provide important fiber and antioxidants.

      Tomato sauce does tend to be high (17mg per 1/2 cup)because it is basically just concentrated tomato. Fresh tomatoes, however, can definitely be enjoyed. A whole fresh tomato only has 7mg of oxalate.

      I hope this helps!

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